Exchange 07 backup with DPM 07

I recently had the task of backing up Exchange 2007 using DPM 2007. I added the DPM agent to the Exchange server just fine. When I modified the protection group to add my storage groups I got an error saying I needed the eseutil.exe and ese.dll on the DPM server. I got these off my Exchange … Read more

Restore Win 08 SystemState that was recovered by DPM 07

So you have your 2008 servers systemstate backed up by DPM 2007. Your server crashes and you need to recover. DPM 2007 does not give an option to recover to the server only to tape or a network share.


What do you from here? The answer is you have to actually restore the system state using Microsoft’s built in windows backup utility. There is another catch it has to be done via command line using WBADMIN. Here are the steps to recover a server using Windows 2008 Backup from the command line:

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Manually install a DPM 2007 agent

I ran into problems installing DPM agent on a few of my servers over the network through the DPM admin console. In this case I had to manually install the DPM agent on the servers I wanted to protect. Here are the 4 steps:

1. Locate the 2.0.5820.0 folder on your DPM server here in:

%systemroot%\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\Agents\RA\

The 2.0.5820.0 folder is here and will have folders i386 and amd64 in it. If you are installing on a 64bit server use the installer from the amd64 folder otherwise just use the i386 folder.

2. Copy to this folder to the local %systemroot% drive on the server you want to protect. I created a folder in on the server I wanted to protect to make things easy called DPMagentinstall
for example c:\DPMagentinstall

3. Open a command prompt. If this is Windows 2008 server be sure to open the command prompt with elevated privileges. Then type: CD c:\DPMagentinstall\DpmAgentInstaller.exe YOURDPMserverFQDN

EXAMPLE: DPMAgentInstaller.exe

It will then let you know that your server requires a restart if it was successful.

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