Update to the SCSM Discovery Report


I have made a couple of updates to the Service Manager Discovery report. The first one is that the report will now display the update rollup level within the report along with the version number.

This was courtesy of Samuel Erskine and Natascia Heil. Thanks for contributing the the report! They have recently built a SCSM version checking script and this was essentially added to the report’s PowerShell. More about the SCSM version checking tool can be found here: http://itprocessed.com/2015/03/869/ . Here is what it now looks like on the report:


Second the report will now include the last 20 Service Manager errors from event viewer.

Third and last the report will now automatically open in your default browser after the script is finished running.

The original post about the report can be found here:


You can download the report here:


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