Fractional Chief Technology Advisor

I am excited to announce an addition to my journey in tech. I will be serving as the Fractional Chief Technology Advisor for Gebeya Inc. Gebeya, an edtech startup based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is making waves across Africa by upskilling developers and reshaping the continent’s tech landscape.

With over 7 years of impactful work, 90+ dedicated employees, and backing from renowned VCs, Gebeya’s mission is truly commendable. I’ll be working closely with their CEO, CTO, VP of Engineering, and other tech leaders to provide guidance and cultivate strategic partnerships.

My connection with Amadou Geybeya’s CEO dates back several years, where we discovered our shared passion for empowering those in African communities and the diaspora through tech. As our friendship flourished, so did our collaborative spirit. Fast forward to 2023, when Amadou asked me to directly contribute to Gebeya’s journey.

My commitment to fostering tech growth in Africa and empowering underrepresented communities aligns perfectly with Gebeya’s vision. The chance to shape a SaaS platform while expanding tech skills in Africa is both exciting and fulfilling.

I am not leaving my position at Microsoft; this new adventure represents an additional commitment for me, albeit in a fractional capacity. Instead, this new endeavor allows me to broaden my horizons while making a meaningful impact in a fractional capacity. In fact this gives me another touchpoint in the startup world, complementing Microsoft’s growing commitment to making Azure the premier cloud for startups.

It enables me to provide leadership and guidance, driving positive change for technical teams and contributing to the development of Gebeya’s SaaS platform.

It’s a thrilling addition to my tech journey and start to 2024. Onward and upward! 🚀

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