Recently I made an appearance on the news today alongside co-organizer Amondo Dickerson on Alexis Rogers “news at noon” show on Kare 11!

🎉 We had the opportunity to share about the upcoming Microsoft ManCode Mentoring Event, which I’m proud to be a part of. You can check out the video here:
or watch it here:

This event, now in its 4th year, is all about providing young men of color the chance to learn from local black leaders in tech, business, and beyond. This year, we’re covering everything from AI and robotics to financial literacy, education, and careers in tech/gaming. It’s happening at Minneapolis College on October 17th & 18th, and it’s FREE for young men ages 12-17!

Special thanks to Microsoft, 100 Black Men, Twin Cities, and the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center for keeping this event going.

The motto of the 100 Black Men Twin Cities is “What they see is what they’ll be,” and this event embodies that vision. 💪🏽